Wednesday, April 25, 2012

مصر اليوم في عيد !!!

HaPPy 3eeD Ta7ReeR SiNai ,,, w Misr el youm fi 3eed :D ... te3eesho w teftekro keda isA ...


مـن أقـوال الـرئيـس: محمد أنور السادات ...

                                          رئيس جمهوريه مصر العربية 1970-1981

*    إن أعلام الحرية لن تسقط على هذه الأرض العظيمة الطاهرة أبدا" ... إن أعلام الحضارة لن تتراجع ... إن أعلام التقدم لن تتوقف ... أقوى وأقوى بإذن الله ،، و أعلى و أعلى بإذن الله ... إن التجربة العملية تقول أنه لا يستطيع أى قائد أو قيادة أن تقرر وتكون على ثقة من القرار مهما كانت الخطورة فيه إلا على إشتراط واحد وهو اليقين من إرادة الشعب ...

*    لا يحتاج شعبنا إلى توعية أو تعبئة ،، لأن شعبنا هو أبو التاريخ ومحرك التاريخ وصانع التاريخ ... لا يمكن أن يكون هناك إستقلال مع إحتلال أراضينا ،، ولا يمكن أن يكون هناك إرادة مع التخلف ...

*    نحن قوة من قوى السلام فى العالم ... والسلام نضال فى سبيل الحرية ... والسلام نضال ضد الإستعمار ... والسلام إيمان بحق تقرير المصير ... والسلام إحساس بالآمال المشتركة للشعوب ...

*    لم يتقاعد هذا الشعب أبدا" فى تاريخه عن أمل و لا هرب من تحد و لا غابت منه عزائم الرجال تصنع تاريخا" و تقتحم مستقبلا" ... إضربوا الحقد يا شعبنا لأنه أعدى أعدائنا اليوم ولا يتولد الحقد إلا فى النفوس المريضة الضعيفة ...

*    الإيمان بالله سبحانه وتعالى ،، والإيمان بأرضنا وترابنا ،، بكل شيء في بلدنا ... الإيمان بتاريخنا ،، الإيمان بماضينا و حاضرنا ومستقبلنا ... الإيمان الذي لا يتزعزع في أننا بعون و بإرادة الله سنجعل من هذا الوطن عائله واحدة ...

*    هذا الشعب المصري لم يعرف في تاريخه النضال بالكلمات و لا مارسه في يوم من الأيام ،، و الدليل على ذلك ما قدمه هذا الشعب من عطاء حقيقي للمعركة و ما سوف يقدمه من عطاء حقيقي للمعركة ...

*    علينا أن نرفع رؤوسنا ... و إدعوا الله سبحانه و تعالى أن يهبنا صلابة الإيمان ومتانة اليقين وحلاوة الصفاء حتى نستطيع أن نبنى مصر أمنا وعائلتنا بأيدينا وبعرقنا ،، وأن ندفع عنها كل شيء ...

*    إن مصر لن تموت فقد عاشت فترات حالكة ،، وأكثر ظلاما ... إستطاعت أن تجتاز كل ما واجهته بإرادة التحدى التى تملكها ... إن التاريخ سوف يسجل لهذه الأمة أن نكستها لم تكن سقوطها و إنما كانت كبوة عارضة ،، و إن حركتها لم تكن فورانا و إنما كانت إرتفاعا شاهقا" ...

ورحم الله الزعيم الراحل محمد أنور السادات بطل الحرب والسلام ...

Monday, April 23, 2012

An Article I've Read Twice !!!


The Five Stages of Grief :

-    The Kübler-Ross model, commonly known as The Five Stages of Grief, is a theory first introduced by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her book On Death and Dying, which was inspired by her work with terminally ill patients.

-    Kubler-Ross was extremely disturbed by the lack of curriculum in medical school that addressed death and dying, so when she became an instructor at the University of Chicago medical school, she started a project about death. This evolved into a series of seminars, and those interviews, along with her previous research, led to her book Her work revolutionized how the medical field took care of the terminally ill.. Her five stages of grief have now become widely accepted.

Kubler-Ross's theory:
                       -   can be used for anyone experiencing a loss, for example bereavement, or even separation and divorce.
                       -   states that these stages are not meant to be complete or chronological.
                       -   holds that not everyone who experiences a life-threatening or life-altering event feels all five of the responses nor will everyone who does experience them do so in any particular order.
                       -   The theory is that the reactions to illness, death, and loss are as unique as the person experiencing them. Some people may get stuck in one stage.

-   These theoretical stages of coping with dying are now frequently referred to as (1) the Kübler-Ross model, (2) The Five Stages of Dying, (3) The Five Stages of Grief, (4) The Five Stages of Loss, (5) The Five Stages of Coping with Dying, (6) The Five Stages of Coping with Grief or (7) The Five Stages of Coping with Loss.

-   The stages, popularly known by the acronym DABDA, include:

1. Denial:

e.g. "I feel fine."; "This can't be happening, not to me."

      Denial is usually only a temporary defense for the individual. This feeling is generally replaced with heightened awareness of possessions and individuals that will be left behind after death. Denial can be conscious or unconscious refusal to accept facts, information, or the reality of the situation. Denial is a defense mechanism and some people can become locked in this stage.

2. Anger:

e.g. "Why me? It's not fair!"; "How can this happen to me?"; '"Who is to blame?"

     Once in the second stage, the individual recognizes that denial cannot continue. Because of anger, the person is very difficult to care for due to misplaced feelings of rage and envy. Anger can manifest itself in different ways. People can be angry with themselves, or with others, and especially those who are close to them. It is important to remain detached and nonjudgmental when dealing with a person experiencing anger from grief.

3. Bargaining:

e.g. "I'll do anything for a few more years..."; "I will give my life savings if..."

     The third stage involves the hope that the individual can somehow postpone or delay death. Usually, the negotiation for an extended life is made with a higher power in exchange for a reformed lifestyle. Psychologically, the individual is saying, "I understand I will die, but if I could just do something to buy more time..." .. People facing less serious trauma can bargain or seek to negotiate a compromise. For example "Can we still be friends?.." when facing a break-up. Bargaining rarely provides a sustainable solution, especially if it's a matter of life or death.

4. Depression:

e.g. "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"; "I'm going to die soon so what's the point?"; "I miss my loved one, why go on?"

     During the fourth stage, the dying person begins to understand the certainty of death. Because of this, the individual may become silent, refuse visitors and spend much of the time crying and grieving. This process allows the dying person to disconnect from things of love and affection. It is not recommended to attempt to cheer up an individual who is in this stage. It is an important time for grieving that must be processed. Depression could be referred to as the dress rehearsal for the 'aftermath'. It is a kind of acceptance with emotional attachment. It's natural to feel sadness, regret, fear, and uncertainty when going through this stage. Feeling those emotions shows that the person has begun to accept the situation.

5. Acceptance:

e.g. "It's going to be okay."; "I can't fight it, I may as well prepare for it."

     In this last stage, individuals begin to come to terms with their mortality, or that of a loved one, or other tragic event. This stage varies according to the person's situation. People dying can enter this stage a long time before the people they leave behind, who must pass through their own individual stages of dealing with the grief.


A Case of Grieving a Break-up:

1. Denial:
                 The person getting broken up with is unable to admit that the relationship is really over. They may try and continue to call the person when they want to be left alone.

2. Anger:
                When the reality sets in that the relationship is over it is common for them to demand answers to why they are being broken up with. This phase can make them feel like they are being treated unfairly and it may cause them to become angry at people close to them that want to help aide the situation.

3. Bargaining:
                        Bargaining comes after the anger stage and this is when people try and plead with their former partner by promising them that whatever caused the break up will never happen again. Example: “I promise I will never cheat on you again.”

4. Depression:
                        Next the person might feel discouraged that their bargaining plea did not convince their former partner to change their mind. This will send the person into the depression stage and can cause a lack of sleep, eating and even daily life tasks.

5. Acceptance:
                        Moving on from the situation and person is the last stage. The person accepts that the relationship is over and begins to move forward with their life. The person might not be completely over the situation but they are done going back in forth to the point where they can accept the reality of the situation.

-     Kübler-Ross originally applied these stages to people suffering from terminal illness. She later expanded this theoretical model to apply to any form of catastrophic personal loss (job, income, freedom). Such losses may also include significant life events such as the death of a loved one, major rejection, end of a relationship or divorce, drug addiction, incarceration, change in office environment, the onset of a disease or chronic illness, an infertility diagnosis, as well many tragedies and disasters.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

على هامش الحياة السياسية


     يبدو أن الشعب المصري (أو يعني من وصفوا أنفسهم بالنخبة من الشعب المصري) يريد إسقاط النظام  ،،  أياً كانت هوية هذا النظام  ...

     فقد كان يريد إسقاط  "الحزب الوطني"  المفروض علينا لعقود طويلة  - كأن الله خلق الشعب المصري به كالعاهة المستديمة -  رئيسه بأعضاءه بفلوله  ...

     ثم أصبح يريد إسقاط "المجلس العسكري" المؤتمن على الشعب لفترة و وظيفة محددة   (أعضائه بجيشه بوزرائه سواء المعين منهم من قبل المجلس أو حتى المختار من شعب التحرير الديمقراطي الشقيق)  ...

     و مؤخراً نجد النخبة تريد إسقاط  "حزب الحرية و العدالة"  المنتخب من أغلبية الشعب تطبيقاً لأولى خطوات ديمقراطية ما بعد 25 ،،  مع العلم أن كلمة "المنتخب" من فعل   ن . خ . ب  ،،  أي أن إختارته الأغلبية من الشعب ذات نفسه  ...

     و بالتالي من خلال قراءة الأحداث يمكن توقع شعار النخبة للمرحلة القادمة من الآن كسبق صحفي exclusive

" الشعب يريد إسقاط رئيس مصر القادم بإذن الله "

     كم أنت عظيم أخي النخبة  ...  و كم أنت مجنون أخي المرشح لرئاسة مصر في هذه الفترة العصيبة التي تمر بها البلاد و ياريت تفكر كويس و ما تنساش  "ولا تلقوا بأيديكم إلى التهلكة"  ...  فإنك يا بني مهما عملت و ولعت صوابعك العشرة شمع لن تستطيع إرضاء ال 85 مليون مصري بالكامل بالنخبة بتاعتهم ،، و إسمع مني ،، خذها من أصيرها و لف و إرجع تاني    :)

-   علماً بأن كلامي لا يحمل دفاعاً عن أي فئة ممن ذكروا أعلاه ،، بل لي أنا شخصياً كثير من التحفظات على أداء كلّاً منهم ،، بس أصل النخبة زودتها ...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Place Where I Do Belong !!!

     It's all about the ONE and only one place in this world .. The place where she can feel weak but secured ,, small but queen ,, calm but euphoric .. The place where she can touch her dream and feel its bright colors ..

     I realized why Allah created our shape this way .. Allah designed the neck beyond the head just to set-up that dark groove where she can fit her head in .. That cozy cave that lies between the head and the shoulder of her Prince is the most fascinating place ever ..

     When she rests her head just next to his neck with her forehead touching him ,, puts her right cheek on his left shoulder ,, leans her body on his chest ,, and closes her eyes .. She doesn't see darkness but bright hazy colors .. She listens to his heart beats playing a charming piece of music ,, watching a beautiful ballerina dancing on his heart sweet harmony and rhythms ... Now,, she can feel a different world solely in that place ..

     She can feel his warm breath playing with her hair letting it fly everywhere for happiness .. She feels his tender fingertips touching her waist .. Her nerve endings are drawn in that tingling sensation ..

     When She leans in his arms and smell his seductive odor ,, She can feel she is in a castle built on high hills just for her to hide from all life struggles .. She is the only queen of this castle .. She throws all pain ,, sufferings and tears of yesterday to be trapped in the past .. She doesn't wanna belong to that over-crowded harsh life lies outside this magical place anymore .. She feels warm ,, loved ,, overwhelmed ,, safe and secured that no one can hurt her again ,, She will not shed a tear one more time ,, EVER .. She is just like a decent bird singing in her nest ..

     What if she could stop all watches and let the time freezes ,, She just wanna this moment last forever .. She doesn't wanna think about anything ,, She doesn't wanna remember any issues .. They don't utter a word ,, but they didn't stop talking just in silence .. when she looks into his eyes she can feel him whispering the sweetest words .. He gets her soul together again after the life let her fall apart into pieces ..

     His arms are her castle ,, His shoulder is her pillow ,, his breath is her sky ,, his heart charges her with the power of life .. He gave her the power that conquered the worries lie in her .. she is right here in that historical place ,, she is in the same exact place where  our mom Eve was born .. It's her own home .. Now ,, She can dive deep in her dreams with no fear of drowning because she is not alone ..

     You know ?!! I just miss one precious thing right now .. I really miss that feeling that I have never felt before .. I miss my knight in shinning armour who I haven't ever met before .. I know that I love you before I meet YOU .. I need to reach that place ,, I need to find the cave that Allah has designed for me just to suit my head ..

     I just need a hug ,, NO ,, not just A hug !! but a REAL DEEP hug ,, a true person that invade my loneliness ,, the feeling of hypnosis that take me away from my entire world ..

I miss that real world ,, I need that PLACE WHERE I DO BELONG !!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Happy Smelling the Breeze Day !!! :P :D

Feast Days and happiness have a peculiar relation ...

When I was young ,, I thought "
It is the feast ,, that is why we should be happy" ...

When I got older ,, I found out "
We are happy ,, that is why it should be a feast" ...

Bottom-line:  It's not a must to be happy in Feast ... So,, never ever wait for the Feast to come up with happiness  for you ... Just celebrate every single day that brings you happiness ... Simply,, that day should be your own special Feast !!!

 -   I can feel the early sunny spring morning carrying warmth and hope ... Let's color the Easter eggs and dance in the breeze with the spring colorful flowers singing everywhere ,, just trying to feel that happy feast I'm dreaming of ...


Friday, April 13, 2012

Simply,, the story of my life !!!

Once upon a time ,, there was a piece of paper spending her life from one phase to another ,, flying through the air from one hand to the other ...


Some people leave fingerprints on it ...

Others may sign with just pencils ...

Few can write down sweet words with scented pens ...


Her lines may be filled with the first letters written by a little kid dreaming to be a great doctor ...

Or even ,, words written by a scared ,, disappointed ,, depressed & shivering hands ...

She may carry the meanings of grief and sorrow ...

she is also found in a bottle with a poem about love ...


Sometimes,, she shows up with sparkling colorful drawings ...

Sometimes she looks dark and dull with black random lines ...

She is dusty and grey carried by the wind in a stormy day ,,

then she is being washed out again all night long by the tears raining down from the sky ...

Finally,, she turns back bright white in the early morning sun rays of the next day reflecting the bright cheerful colors of the rainbow ...

She needs to feel love; to love & be loved ...

She needs to dance with her musical notes ...

She needs to talk and play with true friends to feel secured and cozy ...

And her deepest fear is to feel all alone ,, to stand in solitude in this crowded world ...

When she needs a break ,, she gets covered by the falling leaves to feel warm and secured ,,,

just to wake up powerful enough for the new phase of her lifetime journey ...

Life may make her feel hurt and weak ...

Sometimes,, she feels crumpled ...

May be,, she is cut into pieces ..

At last,,she comes back much more rigid,, firm,, sharp-edged and stronger ...

It is just a story of a paper in a harsh lifelong trip

searching for her final happy destination where she can live in peace ...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ana .. w el Ketab .. w Hawak ... Post 3an el Blog w lel Blog ...

-    When I went through a number of blogs ,, I've found z same starting words "I'm fond of writing.. I don't know what to write ,, about what topics or which language I'm gonna use .. " w sob7an Allah ,, i was about to have z same "tal3a" :D bs la2et-ha et-haraset fi 300 blog abl keda ... but I believe enn taqabol el afkar is not a big deal .. So let's say ,, actually I'm fond of writing since my childhood .. not only writing but MEDIA in general ......

-    I spent my childhood as a celebrity .. i was just like a figure at school .. I've been z keyboardist for "el taboor" w 7afalat 3eed el omm w shamm el neseem bla bla bla .. so we can get an important scope of info dat i know how to play el nasheed el watany w ya mama ya amma yammaty :P :D ... I have been the presenter for what's called "el eza3a el madrasia" ... I used to present it in Arabic ,, English and French which was a new approach ... even I still remember the French version so far ...

-    I've been spending my time collecting magazines and pieces of papers of interesting topics ,, and use 'em in summer creating my own magazine talking about dat quick tips about secrets of beauty ,, facial and hair masks ,, riddles and jokes ,, and may be gossips about celebrities ... w akeed tab3an i had my own magalet el 7a2et at school where i used to publish new topics on it every month ,, w kanet me7a2a2a a3la nesbet moshahda l7l :D ...

-    When i got older ,, i turned my activity to writing articles showing my opinion about everything happen everywhere ,,, i can remember in sanawy ,, it was just like a MODA where each girl in my class should have written her own diaries as if it's a homework and then start to exchange that diaries with each other :D ... 7aQeeQatan,, i had mine - not out of moda - but because i like writing more than anything else but i have never given it to one of my friends as i believe it is a personal stuff.. So far ,, I'd prefer txting more than phone calls ,, btw I'm a big fat fan of BBM and whatsapp :D ...

-    bass ya sidi w ba3den ,, i reached dat scary monster called "Sanaweia 3amma" ... which acts in our life path as a crossroad ... You have to pick your lifetime career in just one decision and a single mistaken tick for just a single dammit MCQ can change your life path ... As i am a stubborn person ,, I toke z decision to beat dat awful scary creature called "maktab el tansee2" and not to give him z chance to choose my OWN destiny where i had to make it myself ... that's why i had to give up writing ,, piano ,, and every single source of pleasure in life ... w bel fe3l i got a high score L7L and it was my OWN crucial decision ... and mal7amet sanawia 3amma was followed by another mal7ama aqwa fel kolia ... where i thought i've lost the talent of reading ,, writing and even watching tv :P just converted into a scientific bookworm … but I'm back now to that celebrities lifestyle l7l because of my job .. Literaly ,, I'm not a celebrity ,, but let's say I became somehow a scientific celebrity :D bel monasba ,, I like my job so much ,, my presence in life is so important for some people ,, where my job give me the chance to be helpful for them which was one of my dreams .. just to be helpful for others ...

-    I know dat I’m somehow late here … I remember the first time I heard z word “blog” and its derivative “blogger” was in politics .. so I thought it’s a political site ,, and those bloggers have been always caught by Amn el Dawla :D …. it was about z word “modawen seyasi” I think it became “nashet seyasi” after Jan. 25th :D ….  but writing here was a sparkling idea that caught my attention … I'm really tempted by the idea of showing off my opinion ,, my feelings and my thoughts with people I don’t know in person .. and to share my loneliness as well … I found writing here is much better than notes on facebook as I find facebook is a local publish among your friends w bs … sometimes you need to talk to people from different cultures ,, and people other than your friends u used to talk to for several years just to exchange knowledge and gain much more experience ,, as I believe that your life is not enough to gain experience from your own stories but u need to learn from others mistakes as well … so, I’m gonna talk about different topics ,, about romance ,, relations ,, work ,, life obstacles or even politics .. as the 85 million Egyptians became foqaha2 dostoriin w mo7aleleen seyasiin kafa2a bi fadl Jan,25th :D … i.e. men kol bostan zahra ,, w kolo 3ala 7asab el mood el sha5si tab3an w el inspiration :D

-    sa7ee7 ,, I forgot to thank you all for your great words and comments on my former blog that really encouraged me to continue :D …….. just kidding akeed !!! Ok,, nobody 3abbarny ,, bs I still insist on writing ,, and I wont give myself z chance to get disappointed :D :D I’ll keep writing bcz actually ,, this former hobby entashaletny men la7azat el malal w el daia3 yemken rabena yekrem ba3d keda w el comments tebda2 tenadda3 walla 7aga :D

-    that was a quick glimpse about z history of writing in my life .. w 2ila el liqa2 m3a ebda3a o5ra men ebda3aty el fannia :P :D

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


سيداتي ،، آنساتي ،، سادتي ...

 -    أود أنا المواطنة المصرية و المدونة المبتدئة إعلان بدء أولى فاعليات حملتي الإعلامية من خلال إطلاق أول - و إن شاء الله مايكونش آخر - مدونة لي أنا وحدي ( "ماي أون بلوج" لمن لا يجيد تحدث العربية ) ...

-    أعزائي كل أفراد الأسرة ،، أتمنى لكم قضاء وقت ممتع و مشاهدة سعيدة و قراءة شيقة حصريا" على شاشتنا شاشة ال "إيه بييس أوف بيبار" التي تناسب كل أفراد العائلة المصرية ،، العربية ،، و العالمية بمختلف الأعمار ...

 -    كما نعدك عزيزي المشاهد في هذه المناسبة السعيدة أن تحوذ بلوجاتنا على إعجابك ،، و أن نحرص دائما" أبدا" على تقديم كل ما هو جديد لك و لأسرتك .. أيوة يا سيدي لك أنت و اللهي ،، حيكون لمين تاني يعني ؟؟!!

 -    و لكم مني و من أسرة الإعداد جزيل الشكر و التقدير ،، و أحيانا” يوصل لحد العرفان بالجميل في حالة مشاركاتكم و تعليقكم على إبداعاتي المستقبلية ... نحن دائما" في إنتظار مداخلاتكم و كومنتاتكم و ربنا يديم المعروف إن شاء الله ...

 - - - فوتوكوا بعافية !!!